AGENDARegular Council MeetingTownship of South StormontTHE NINETY-THIRD MEETINGWednesday, November 24, 2021 at 5:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.2 Mille Roches Road Long Sault ONChanges to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*". To contain the spread of COVID-19, Township Council meetings are being held electronically and live streamed at For alternate meeting formats, please contact the Township at or 613-534-8889.1.Call to Order 2.Confirmation of Agenda 3.Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 4.Presentations a.South Stormont Fire and Rescue Service Recognition 1.Firefighter Recognition 2021.pdf5.Public Meeting 6.Delegations a.SDG Historic Tour 1.SDG Historic Tour PPT 24Nov21.pdf2.Proposal - concept.pdf3.JAIL PLAQUE email.pdf4.maple grove.pdf5.Santa Cruz Plaque SDNG example.pdfTodd Lihou, Corporate Communications Coordinator7.Confirmation of Minutes a.November 10, 2021 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - RM_Nov10_2021 - English.pdfb.November 17, 2021 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - SM_Nov17_2021 - English.pdf8.Consent Agenda 9.Items for Consideration 10.Key Information Reports a.Craft Shack Winter Socials - Significant Event 1.KIR-CS 24Nov21 Craft Shack - Municipally Significant Event.pdfb.Draft Nuisance By-law Amendment 1.KIR-CS 24Nov21 Amend Nuisance By-law.pdf2.Nuisance By-law Draft to Amend 16Nov21 v2.pdfc.Draft Discharge of Firearms and Bows By-law 1.KIR-CS 24Nov21 Draft Discharge of Firearms By-law.pdf2.2021-XXX Firearms By-law.pdfd.Draft By-law to Establish and Regulate a Fire Department 1.KIR-FD 24Nov21 Draft By-law to Establish and Regulate a Fire Department.pdf2.Establish and Regulate Fire Department DRAFT v2.pdfe.Asset Management Program Update 1.KIR-PW 24Nov21 Asset Management Program Update.pdf2.AM Roadmap 2111.pdff.2022 and Multi-Year Budget Options 11.Action Requests 12.By-laws a.By-law No. 2021-089 Debt Management Policy 1.AR-FIN By-law No. 2021-089 Debt Management Policy.pdf2.2021-089 -Debt Management Policy.pdf3.2021-089 -Schedule A Debt Management Policy.pdfb.By-law No. 2021-090 Multi Year Budget Policy 1.AR-FIN By-law No. 2021-090 Multi Year Budget Policy.pdf2.2021-090 -Multi Year Budget Policy.pdf3.2021-089 -Schedule A Multi Year Budget Policy.pdfc.By-law No. 2021-091 Exempt Lands from Part Lot Control (87-89 French Avenue) 1.AR-PB Bylaw No. 2021-091 Part Lot Control 87-89 French Street.pdf2.2021-091 -Exempt Lands from Part Lot Control (87-89 French).pdfd.By-law No. 2021-092 Amend By-law No. 2020-011 Seasonal Closure of Specified Sidewalks 1.AR-PW By-law No. 2021-092 Amend By-law 2020-011 Seasonal Closure of Sidewalks.pdf2.2021-092 -Amend By-law No. 2021-011 Authorize Seasonal Closure of Sidewalks.pdfe.By-law No. 2021-093 Amend By-law No. 2020-010 Winter Maintenance Level of Service Policy 1.AR-PW By-law No. 2021-093 Amend By-law No. 2020-010 Winter Maintenance Level of Service Policy.pdf2.2021-093 -Amend By-law No. 2021-010 Winter Maintenance Level of Service Policy.pdf3.2021-093 -Schedule A - Amend By-law No.2020-010 - Winter Level of Service Policy.pdff.By-law No. 2021-094 Adopt Significant Weather Event Policy 1.AR-PW By-law No. 2021-094 Significant Weather Event Policy.pdf2.2021-094 -Adopt Significant Weather Event Policy.pdf3.2021-094 -Schedule A - Siginificant Weather Event Policy.pdf13.Committee / Member Announcements and Updates a.Upper-Tier Report b.Committee Updates c.Member Announcements 14.Notice of Motion 15.New Business 16.Closed Meeting Summary a.Minutes - October 27, 2021 Public Comments: b.Minutes - November 17, 2021 Public Comments: c.Litigation or Potential Litigation, Advice that is Subject to Solicitor Client Privilege and Position, Plan or Criteria to be Applied to Negotiations Public Comments: Specifically: Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing17.Confirmation By-Law a.By-law No. 2021-095 1.2021-095 -Ratify.pdf18.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.SDG Historic Tour PPT 24Nov21.pdf2.Proposal - concept.pdf3.JAIL PLAQUE email.pdf4.maple grove.pdf5.Santa Cruz Plaque SDNG example.pdf1.Firefighter Recognition 2021.pdf1.2021-095 -Ratify.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - RM_Nov10_2021 - English.pdf1.AR-PB Bylaw No. 2021-091 Part Lot Control 87-89 French Street.pdf2.2021-091 -Exempt Lands from Part Lot Control (87-89 French).pdf1.AR-PW By-law No. 2021-092 Amend By-law 2020-011 Seasonal Closure of Sidewalks.pdf2.2021-092 -Amend By-law No. 2021-011 Authorize Seasonal Closure of Sidewalks.pdf1.AR-PW By-law No. 2021-093 Amend By-law No. 2020-010 Winter Maintenance Level of Service Policy.pdf2.2021-093 -Amend By-law No. 2021-010 Winter Maintenance Level of Service Policy.pdf3.2021-093 -Schedule A - Amend By-law No.2020-010 - Winter Level of Service Policy.pdf1.AR-PW By-law No. 2021-094 Significant Weather Event Policy.pdf2.2021-094 -Adopt Significant Weather Event Policy.pdf3.2021-094 -Schedule A - Siginificant Weather Event Policy.pdf1.AR-FIN By-law No. 2021-089 Debt Management Policy.pdf2.2021-089 -Debt Management Policy.pdf3.2021-089 -Schedule A Debt Management Policy.pdf1.AR-FIN By-law No. 2021-090 Multi Year Budget Policy.pdf2.2021-090 -Multi Year Budget Policy.pdf3.2021-089 -Schedule A Multi Year Budget Policy.pdf1.KIR-CS 24Nov21 Craft Shack - Municipally Significant Event.pdf1.KIR-CS 24Nov21 Amend Nuisance By-law.pdf2.Nuisance By-law Draft to Amend 16Nov21 v2.pdf1.KIR-CS 24Nov21 Draft Discharge of Firearms By-law.pdf2.2021-XXX Firearms By-law.pdf1.KIR-FD 24Nov21 Draft By-law to Establish and Regulate a Fire Department.pdf2.Establish and Regulate Fire Department DRAFT v2.pdf1.KIR-PW 24Nov21 Asset Management Program Update.pdf2.AM Roadmap 2111.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - SM_Nov17_2021 - English.pdf